
Once you're locked into a price on LivingWriter, you're locked in! We'll never increase our rates once you're writing with us.

Best Value


$144 billed per year

Hide Features List

Novel and Screenwriting

Smart Elements

Advanced Plot Board

Elements / Chapter Board

Research Board

Hierarchical organization

Export to various formats

Device Previews

Import from other writing software

Regular Payments


$14.99 billed once a month

Show Features List

Novel and Screenwriting

Smart Elements

Advanced Plot Board

Elements / Chapter Board

Research Board

Hierarchical organization

Export to various formats

Device Previews

Import from other writing software

No commitment


14 days trial

Show Features List

Novel and Screenwriting

Smart Elements

Advanced Plot Board

Elements / Chapter Board

Research Board

Hierarchical organization

Export to various formats

Device Previews

Import from other writing software

A lifetime one-time fee is also available for $699 once you are registered for your free trial.

Frequently asked questions

Why a subscription?

The short answer: it allows us to give you a better product.

A subscription allows us to provide built-in cloud syncing, minute by minute revision histories of all your manuscripts and chapters, release of new features constantly, and great support. Your manuscripts will be hosted by us forever, backed into Amazon Cloud Servers with bank-level encryption and security.

New features and improvements come weekly, not yearly like product releases of other companies. At no additional cost to you, ever.

By subscribing to LivingWriter for just $14.99 a month, you get a great product and service right away. You also get an investment into the future of an app that gets better and that your writing deserves.

How do I know my work is safe?
If I cancel my subscription do I still have access to my work?
Is my writing private and secure?
Do I retain rights to my own work?
What happens if LivingWriter shuts down?
What does the future of LivingWriter look like?